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Non Formal Education

Non Formal Education

Aspects of  Nonformal Education
Dear students here is some information on non formal education which will be interesting to learn about. Read through it, understand it and form a picture of the whole structure of non formal education.
NFE: Non Formal Education has been a strong point for NAVA team. Since inception NAVA has conducted a large number of trainings for the grass-roots level workers of NFE of different voluntary agencies over the years, established itself as an expert training group on Non-formal Education . Besides, NAVA has brought out various innovative study materials, primers, audio-cassetes and booklets for the use of NFE centers. NAVA has, and hence have always been very keen to train young people on the techniques and strategies for effective imparting of Non-formal Education. A special five-day orientation module has been designed by NAVA. Throughout the year NAVA has been organizing several such infield training on invitation of different development agencies for their village level educators.

We believe that NFE is an effective tool for bringing in societal change


















Bhubaneswar, Orissa:
A training on NFE was conducted by NAVA on invitation of Lutheran World Service (L.W.S. (I)), Cuttack unit in December, 1996, attended by 23 participants. A similar one was conducted earlier at Bhubaneswar in October, 1996.. Sri Diptendu Mukherji, Sri Basudev Patnaik, Sri Basudev Moharana and Ms. Bishnupriya Rath facilitated the sessions. The participants present shared their experience on conducting NFE centers in their respective center upon which a participatory training schedule was drawn which included sessions on environment consciousness techniques, methodologies for preparing creative tools for NFE learners and programme planning.

Noapara, Orissa: A training programme for the field workers of L.W.S.(I) was conducted at Noapara in Orissa. 26 young participants had the opportunity to share their experience in the field and interact on various creative techniques for conducting non-formal education centers. Tridib Reeves, B. Patnaik and B. Moharana conducted the sessions for NAVA. This five day residential event was held in September 1996.

Nadia, West Bengal: In May 1995 a two day workshop on NFE was conducted for C.A.D.S. organization at Majhergram in Nadia District of North 24 Parganas. The course was attended by 24 N.F.E. facilitators of C.A.D.S. The training involved different creative methodologies like songs, dances, drawings, role play etc.

Kultali, West Bengal: In May 1995, a six day nonformal education teachers' training programme for L.W.S. (I) was conducted at Kultali in South 24 Parganas. This training was meant only for teachers on how to facilitate learning best at their NFE center. A total of 35 teachers attended this programme. This programme was facilitated by a team from NAVA comprising Sri Diptendu Mukherji, Partha Roy, Saswati Roy and Smriti Sarkar.

Govt. of West Bengal: On invitation of Zilla Saksharata Parishad (District Literacy Council) of Govt. of West Bengal, NAVA team conducted a five day residential training at Suri in Birbhum district. Held in December, 1998 the training was attended by about 40 educators of Continuing Literacy workers based at various villages of the district. The training was inaugurated by Mr. Swami Singh, the District Collector, and other eminent persons present at the session included Ms. Mandira Dasgupta - Additional District Magistrate, Dr. S. C. Gorai - Coordinator, Lutheran World Service (I) and government officials involved in the literacy promotion drive in the district.

Purulia, West Bengal: A five day workshop was held in February 1995 attended by 36 NFE educators of MNBE Institute, which is running an innovative education programme for adult and children in over 50 villages, sponsored by Govt. of India. Held at the spacious campus of the institution located in the interior part of the Purulia tribal district, the workshop provided a creative orientation on the different techniques of running nonformal education centers. This was facilitated by Diptendu Mukherji, Prasad Dasgupta and Prava Srivastava

- In August 1994, a two day Non formal Education Teacher's Training was organized by Mass Education at their Atasura Training Centre, which was conducted by NAVA. The course covered management of N.F.E. Centre, monitoring and conducting N.F.E. Centre and preparation of creative tools to tackle N.F.E. learners. 30 participants attended this.

- A five day residential NFE training course was conducted by NAVA team for DES: Development Education Society from in October 1993. Thirty NFE teachers, mostly women, hailing from the Sundarbans region participated in this held at Atasura Village in West Bengal. Along with the issues like mainstream development, root causes of poverty, education/health structure etc., the training devised may simple tools for conducting a Non formal Education centre, "As if NFE is a tool for social change".




- Supervision of NFE
: A three day workshop was organized at NAVA Orissa centre in February , 1993 attended by 11 participants, women and men, from Orissa and West Bengal states. The workshop worked out different people-based 'supervision' concepts which are primarily participatory and look at 'supervision' as a process of mutual growth.

- A six day residential workshop was organized by NAVA on Effective Functioning of NFE. It looked at the NFE as a means of societal change and worked out appropriate tools. This was held at the Mass Education training centre at Atasura village in south 24 parganas in West Bengal. 39 participants attended the workshop, held in May 1993.

- NAVA organized a six day residential training course on NFE in June 1994. Held at 'Atasura' village at Mass Education Centre, the course was attended by 40 social activists and NFE educators of different NGOs. Seeing Non formal Education as a tool for societal changes and value premise, the workshop involved different creative methodologies like songs, dances, drawings, role plays and other cultural expressions.

- A six day residential camp was organized by NAVA in May 1994 at Atasura Mass Education Centre in West Bengal. 36 participants representing 28 NGOs attended this training. This residential event covered aspects like objectives of Non-formal education, creative techniques for conducting NFE classes, curriculum and evaluation of NFE centers etc. At the end of the course each participant was awarded with a certificate.

- A five day residential training course on Non formal Education was held at NAVA Centre at Bhubaneswar in July, 1994. 14 NFE educators from different NGOs in Orissa participated in this workshop which dealt on aspects like : NFE as a tool for social change, creative media, curriculum preparation, supervision and monitoring of NFE centers etc



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Reference Material and names of books on Non Formal Education

Swarts, Leon   Paperback; ; ISBN: 097116231X

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