Attiudes Knowledge And Skills Required In this Special Type Of Helping Relationship.
1. Introduction
q Definition of Human Intervention
There is a diversity of Human Intervention Service Careers. A Human Intervention Service Worker is a
person who is involved in a helping relationship. Viewed from this point of view we can safely suggest that all of us are
involved in some way or the other in a helping relationship and in human intervention service .From a formal standpoint we
can have institutionalization of Human Intervention service.
q Relevant Background of Hunan Intervention service:
Dimensions of human intervention service
There are four major dimensions of Human Intervention Service:
They are Variety of client’, variety of settings, variety of problems and variety of services. Human Intervention service workers perform many roles related to these dimensions..
2. Agenda of topics to be covered
in the course of the paper
Concept of Human Intervention Service
Human Intervention Service is a philosophy that stresses care for the whole individual including the person’s
interaction with the environment. The wholistic view points out to the fact that the individual’s body and mind is relateded and the individual is the
product of his environment and in turn influences the environment too.
Professional Self
The fact that we can call a Human Intervention Service Worker a professional will depend upon the level of Education, degrees, course requirements, extensiveness of responsibility, and decision making,
legal requirements, organizational criteria and experiential background.
q Characteristics of a professional Human
Intervention Service Worker
A professional Human Intervention Service Worker must be equipped
with appropriate ATTITUDES, SKILL and KNOWLEDGE(ASK Concept). A Code Of Ethics is essential to the professional self
of the Human Intervention Service Worker.Observational Competency is a fundamental requirement of the Human Intervention Service
Worker.. Distinction is made between a Generalist who concentrates on the overall needs of the individual and the Specialist
who concentrates on particular needs of the individual.The professional self is an outgrowth of understanding, development
of an identity and values clarification.
Knowing one’s Learning Style and being able to recognize Learning
Styles in others and alertness to various learning styles poses many questions for the Human Intervention Service Worker.
Individual’s ideas and feelings about themselves is a private matter People erect cocoons of privacy showing different parts of themselves at different times to different people . Penetrating these defensive
walls is a skill required by a Human Intervention Service Worker.
q Johari Widow
One way of looking at a person’s degree of open-ness is by
means of a Johari Window, a graphic model of interpersonal behaviour. Joseph
Luft (1969)developed the concept of Johari Widow with Harry Ingham. Johari Window
can further the understanding of human interactions through it’s techniques
of exploring levels of self awareness.
Topic One
q Attitudes
The Human Intervention Service Worker needs to develop an attitude of respect for the uniqueness and dignity of every individual who comes to
his care and to firmly believe that every individual has the capacity to grow
and change. Furthermore he needs to believe that all people irrespective of their
physical, intellectual, emotional ,social ,ethnic, racial status have the right to life, liberty , security and the pursuit
of happiness.
The development of the right kind of attitude is interlinked with the fact that he must possess a Professional
Code of Ethics which is as follows:
He should accept as her first goal the performance of competent services
He should accept as her primary responsibility the promotion and
protection of the client’s dignity and welfare
He should preserve the confidentiality and the privacy of the information
acquired concerning the client.
He should not discriminate on the basis of religion age sex etc
He should persuade the client to report to the appropriate authorities
or after advising the client that it must be done she shuld report to
the appropriate authorities when she finds the behaviour of the client to be self distrutive
He should use every resource including Referral Service to provide the best possible service to the client.
He should accept responsibility to the institution to which she is attached
He should participate in activities that will contribute to her ongoing development of the professional knowledge
and skill.
Topic Two
The Human Intervention Service Worker needs to develop skills of the following types
q Process Skills
Process skills in observation, recording, reporting, interviewing, problem solving and decision making must be developed.She must guide the client to detect the problem, define the problem
and the goal, identify alternative solutions and courses of actions, select a solution and carry out the course of action and then evaluate the outcome of the course of action.
q Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills that are required by the Human Intervention
Service Worker can be categorized by the acronym E W G or empathy warmth and
genuineness which is known as Truax Triad after Truax and carkuff who pulled
these three concepts together in their book Towards Effective Counselling and
Psychotherapy (1967)
Empathy Refers to affection plus compassion touched
by the quality of suffering . It means to feel into another person’s experience. General characteristics of empathetic process is unconditional acceptance, open-ness
in receiving and recognizing accurate
processing of information and concrete feedback.
Warmth is readily expressed by gestures, touch, facial
expression ,tone of voice. Too much warmth may encourage dependency and therefore it should be non possessive warmth which refers to helping an individual to
acquire skills of Self Direction Self control
and Self Choice in decision making. General characteristics of non possessive warmth is
establishing a climate of equal worth .non-defensiveness , non –blame and closeness.
Genuineness is the characteristic of a self
actualized person; A person who has successfully passed the stages of growth towards
self fulfillment which is illustrated by the following diagram:
Genuineness eventuates from being true to oneself and from this Trust is derived. To Trust others we must
be able to trust oneself. The helper avoids putting on an air of phoniness.
q Expressive skills of Communication
The helper needs to develop skills of communication such as the following:
q Paraphrasing and
Clarification where he rewords what he or she has just heard the client
say to pull together the chief points. This involves Repeating Highlighting
and Coordinating
q Summarization restates what the client has been saying during an entire
counselling session or a series of sessions. This includes Summarization
of Content and Summarization of feeling
Recognition and Reflection of Feeling may help the client to become aware of the degree to which behaviour
is moulded by his feelings . Reflection is referred to as the Rogerian Mirror
after Carl Roger’s who clarified the technique in his book Counselling and Psycho therapy in 1942. There are two sub
types which are reflection of feeling and reflection of experience. One needs to avoid errors such as poor and inappropriate
timing in reflection or adding and substracting or giving too deep or too shallow responses.
Confrontation acquires negative glimmers of antagonism positive hints of honest communication and suggestions of objective gathering of facts for comparison. It is a skill which calls attention to and challenges another person . It helps in self exploration
behavioural change, becoming oneself more fully
stopping game behaviour, game coping and reducing cognitive dissonance.It helps the client to receive information which
is not harmonious with his already existing beliefs or knowledge.
Interpretation requires counselors to colour their
remarks with their own way of thinking.The counselor introduces his own frame
of reference into the counselling session. He must state his view of the client’s
behaviour in language that the client can understand and hopefully accept. The
goal is to formulate a hypothesis about the underlying conflict and needs that
produce certain behaviours in the client, assembling and coordinating the observation to the client to see if it fits and this in turn will help the client reconstruct
behaviour . As this occurs client’s move towards termination of the counseling session.
Topic Three
q Knowledge
Knowledge of Human Behaviour ,
origin of behaviour , demographic factors such as birthplace , race, ethnic origin, socio economic status , education, religion, geographical origin which produce cultural
effects on the individual must be taken into consideration, Familial experiences , physical intellectual factors and developmental experiences need to be studied by the Human Intervention
Service Worker.
- Summary And Conclusion The helper
who accepts this philosophy takes on added responsibilities to involve the Home
,Neighbourhood School Agencies in
a coordinated plan to help the questioning or troubled individual . New patterns of interpersonal relationship are sought
in a helping system that reaches out beyond
the interview or the counseling room. Many individuals become part of the helping team.
Where to get More Information
q Cassettes Tapes
and Records
Communicating Empathy,J.Milnes and H.Bertcher,University Associates, La
Jolla, California
Designed to teach participants how to make appropriate verbal empathetic responses and to assess the effectiveness of empathetic reactions in self and others.
q Handbooks
and manuals
Choices and decisions: A guidebook for constructing Values , M. Bargo,University associates , La Jolla
, California
q References
Carkuff, R.R.: The Art Of Problem Solving :: A guide for developing
Problem Solving
Skills for parents Teacher’s Counsellors and Administrators, Amherst, Mass . , 1973,Human Resource Development Press.
Dass, R..,Gorman, P., How Can I help,Stories And Reflections On Service, Alfred A. Knopf New York 1991
Roger’s, C. R. : Counselling And Psychotherapy, Boston,
1942, Houghton Mifflin Co.
SchulmanE.D.:Intervention In Human Services A guide To skills and Knowledge,St louis,The C.V. Mosby CO
Attitudes Skills and Knowledge that
is required in this special type of Helping Relationship
Presented by: Charlotte Simpson
Department Of Education
St Xavier’s College
Guest Lecturer
Of Language Management
School of Social Work And community Service
National Council of Education Bengal
Jadavpur University .P.O
Guest Lecturer Summer School
Indian Association For The Cultivation Of Science
Paper Presented at the UGC sponsored Orientation Programme for university And College teachers on the 19th of June 2003
Organized by the Academic Staff College, Jadavpur university from the 2nd of June 2003 to
the 28th of June 2003
Assignment Two
Plans for future development for the Department
of Education St Xavier’s College Kolkata.
In this era of Globalization, Privatisation and Liberalization Teacher Education in India is facing new challenges. As educators we are concerned about
these challenges in the wider context of our country which urges us to seek ways
and means to make education relevant and to make a positive and creative response
to the needs of our times.It is therefore imperative to educate individuals who will be sensitive competent teachers who are
imbued with the ability to adapt themselves to this competitive world without compromising on the core democratic values of
equality freedom and social justice which are enshrined in our constitution and
which are central to the development of character.
It is our HOPE to help form the people of this emerging nation as people deeply rooted in
Justice , Truth and Love and to train leaders who will play an active role in
building a peaceful progressive and purposeful nation.In keeping with the role we are to play, we want to shape the future destiny of India in our classrooms and
to make quality a defining element of teacher education through a combination and promotion of different initiatives.It encompasses
a two dimensional strategy i.e personal development and professional growth on one hand and the growth of the society that
we want to build on the other, keeping in mind that the former influences the
latter and vice versa..It does not include mere stocking of information but one
that informs action.
As the BEd department we occupy a privileged position since we are entrusted with the responsibility
of training educators who in turn will be responsible for the creation of participating reflective and action oriented citizens
of a democratic society.
Before we begin discussing the plans for the future we would like to share some of the activities
that we were involved in during the past year.This will help us to consolidate our strengths and make efforts to reduce or
even alleviate some of the problems.
In the area of curricular design and planning we have introduced action research on various topics
for our trainees to work on.The research projects were undertaken on several relevant topics in the class room such as special
education, problem behaviour , methods of teaching,leadership etc.The lively teacher pupil interaction made the learning very
stimulating.Computers in education which forms a very important part of the syllabus was given focus and students were encouraged
to go for further computer training and make use of hands on experience in the computer lab of the college.The trainees were
encouraged to take part in seminars debates and discussions throughout the year.
Interactive methods of teaching have been utilized for curricular transaction.Using the computer in instruction,overhead
projector,audio visual aids have been incorporated in class room instruction in order to make teaching learning effective.The
students have been sensitized to their civic responsibilities and have been encouraged to participate in blood donation camps
and other socially relevant activities.Micro teaching and stimulus response method have been used during instruction in order
to make learning meaningful for the students.Assignments and project work are an important component of student evaluation.
Research is greatly encouraged by the department. Two of the faculty are presently doing their doctoral
research.The faculty often attend seminars and conferences nationally and internationally in order to widen their horizons
of knowledge.One of our teachers is involved in writing books on various subjects.Our faculty contributes to various journals
In so far as extension work is concerned the faculty and students are involved in adult education programmes,
literacy drives,blood donation camps, and also many other social service and community development activities.
In so far as the infrastructure and learning resources of the college are concerned it can be mentioned
that a good collection of new books on education, psychology,mathematics , biology ,physics and other subjects had been added
to the collection in the library. Some of the teachers of the department have instructed the students on ways and means of
developing computer aided resources.Some CD ROMs have been developed by the students on the methodology of Integral Pedagogical
Paradigm.The B.Ed department of the college has networked with IGNOU B.Ed and now conducts the degree programme for experienced
teachers through the Indira Gandhi OpenUniversity.
In the area of student support and progression it must be mentioned that there is a guidance and counseling
cell to which our students had been encouraged to go to and discuss their problems relating to various aspects of growth.Our
students have also enthusiastically participated in various games and sports activities organized by the college.Their sporting
skills have been greatly honed during their practice sessions and also during the actual competition.The recreational and
leisure facilities available to the students of the college include indoor games,outdoor games,debate clubs,literary and cultural
For the B.Ed Department internal coordinating and monitoring is done by the Dean of Education who in
turn is responsible to the principal. Policies are formulated by the governing body and implemented by the principal with
the help of the Dean.Students for the student council were elected during the beginning of the term and they have played an instrumental role in organizing many educational and cultural programmes for the department
which have proved to be very successful.
From all of the above it can categorically be said that much has been achieved yet a lot remains to
be accomplished.We have done some introspection and soul searching and chalked out a plan of development for the year to come
because we believe that “the sky is the limit”
Our plans for the future include the following:
to train educators who in turn will form men and women who through their exposure to the struggles of
the poor will become socially sensitive and use their critical sense to transform the prevailing consumer culture of society.
We are of the opinion that Positive Human values form the core of all worthwhile educational activities and so in this regard, apart from the fact that Value education is an important component of the Compulsory General First Paper
that our students take in the B. Ed Programme, we also are thinking of organizing
seminars discourses and other educational programmes on value education.We are considering inviting eminent personalities
with a wealth of experience in this area to share valuable inputs with us.The Department is toying with the idea of introducing
value education classes for the students in the future .Integrity and enterprise will be emphasized
We wish to foster an atmosphere of excellence in our department
through innovative strategies and techniques of teaching and through the intelligent use of multimedia in instruction In this
connection we are going to introduce simulated teaching in the class room for the method papers where by the students well
be divided into groups and the teacher will play the part of observer and through the entire exercise the students will learn
and demonstrate certain teaching skills within their peer group. This it is hoped will then be transferred by them in due
course of time to the real class room situation in which they will soon be exposed.
The possibilities of setting up an independent psychological laboratory is being considered seriously
by our department. To give our students of Psychology, and in particular those who opt for Measurement , Testing and Evaluation
as a compulsory elective paper the actual feel of the subject through an acquaintance with the different standardized tests
and scales, and develop in them proficiency in conducting such tests, is a primary motive.This effort it is felt will surely
bridge the gap between the theory and practice of education.
We feel that Guidance and Counselling is a very integral part of the facilities that we have to offer
our students. We at St . Xavier’s have a counselling cell where our students will be encouraged to go to as and when
they feel the need .Moreover we have Guidance and Counselling as an elective compulsory paper that the majority of our trainees
choose and are therefore introduced to this technical service and its multifaceted
theories which should hopefully enlighten them about the ways of handling students in their own class rooms. .We plan to set aside a specific day and time when our trainees can come to us for moments of sharing
on their specific problems encountered in the course of their studies On the basis of this interaction remedial classes can
be organized for the slow learners or those who have a language handicap.
We firmly believe that research widens the horizons of knowledge
and that continuous research is needed for improvement . With this conviction
we began the Action Research programme for our students during the last academic year and we plan to link it up with our community
outreach activities for the present and future trainees. Action research on various class room and community related problems
like delinquency, stress during exams, evaluation, special education ,co-curricular activities , guidance and counseling are proposed to be taken up in the future.
In Order to stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching, learning and research in our department, we plan to start the
M.Ed and M.Phil programmes in our department as soon as we have been able to
put together sufficient human and material resources for the purpose.Networking in this regard will be done with other institutions
and universities through which we may receive valuable information and guidance.We have already developed a link with the
Netaji Subhas Open University where one of our lecturers is a resource person for its M.Phil programme from which useful guidelines
will be obtained. We will continue to work in cooperation with IGNOU Delhi in the implementation of its B.Ed programme and
if all goes well even a post graduate degree programme in education in the future.
We believe that it is an honour to be teacher educators .We are convinced that with every right comes
a duty , with every privilege comes a responsibility and therefore we are called to grow professionally as well as personally.
On the professional front we are committed to further research in our fields and in the widening of the frontiers of knowledge.A
concerted effort will be made to look into minor and major project proposals which could be taken up as teams and even on
an individual basis and which could be sponsored by UGC, NCERT and others. Apart from this our teachers will be encouraged
to attend refresher progrmmes, seminars and conferences at the State level as well as at the National level.
We desire to give access to the poor and marginalized in
our department and make suitable arrangements for their success through remedial
instruction, counselling and guidance and library services
We would like to cooperate effectively with other teacher education departments through exchange programmes , sharing of resources, networking with particular emphasis upon human resources
and personnel.
We will be building an effective network with our alumni association and encourage healthy interaction
with them in our community outreach and extension programmess such as services
to orphanages, old age homes, on formal education cells, special education institutions so as to imbibe the feelings of brotherhood
and solidarity with the less fortunate of society.In this context it must be mentioned that we have already contacted some
of the recently passed out batches who in turn have expressed an interest in forming a liaison with us.
We plan to give our students the opportunity to extend a
helping hand to society through our community outreach programmes .In this way we wish
to shape leaders for the community who will be involved in activities which are empowering and developmental and not
merely the giving of help.Literacy drives and the each one teach one concept
is being considered.Making a humble beginning by networking with the schools of the locality at first through the Neighbourhood
School Plan will be emphasized.
We plan to invite the principals of our Practice Teaching schools for a seminar where the specific problems
related to our trainees and the school system can be discussed elaborately with a view to eliminating or at least reducing
some of the obstacles which impede the success of the effort.We wish to develop innovative strategies by which practice teaching
can be highly beneficial to the trainees as well as advantageous to the schools in which they practice.From time to time we
plan to organize meetings in our college with teachers from other Teacher Education institutions with whom fruitful discussions
with follow up activity can be taken up on different subjects curricular as well as co-curricular .
We firmly uphold the view that a sound mind and a sound body go together and therefore Physical activities
are imperative for the trainees. They will continue to be encouraged to participate in the Annual Sports Day Programme as
well as other inter college and intra college sporting activities organized under the leadership of the Seminar, Secretary
of Sports. We would like to explore the possibilities of making our trainees play a more active role in organizing different
sporting events. A Cricket match between the trainees and the other departments could also be considered.
Last but not the least it may be said that we are committed to the philosophy of ‘thinking big but
beginning small’.We are convinced that sincerity ,hardwork and dedication will surely gear us towards our goal. Openness,innovation,cooperation,
professionalism and community consciousness it is hoped will be the hallmark
of our teacher education department.
Assignment Three
Tenth National Triennial conference of Xavier Board of Higher Education in India
By Charlotte Simpson
St Xavier’s College Kolkata
The Xavier Board Of Higher Education In India
held it’s 10th National Triennial Conference in Goa from April 30th to May 3rd 2004.
A souvenir was released to mark the occasion. The theme that was chosen for the conference was “The Culture Of Consumerism
and our Response”.In recognition of the fact that higher education has been encountering unprecedented challenges and
crises in the recent past from fundamentalist ideologies on the one hand and commercialization of education ushered in by
the phenomenon of globalization on the other the theme was most appropriate.
The programme began with a pre conference
interactive session on ‘The Eleven Bench Judgement on Article 30- The Minority
Rights which proved very beneficial to the delegates since it provided us with relevant and up to date information about the
status of religious and linguistic minorities.During the inauguration ceremony the President of the Xavier Board (2001-2004) Fr P.C. Mathew S.J.,principalof St Xavier’s college Kolkata and the Secretary
of the Xavier Board Sr Marietta Pudota SAP warmly welcomed the delegates who were then invited to a meaningful and productive
exchange of ideas during the conference.
A whole day was set aside for deliberations
on the “Quest For Excellence – The National Assessment and Accreditation Committee (NAAC) Approach.The delegates
had a productive interaction with the NAAC director Prof V.S.Prasad, the NAAC Adviser Dr Anthony Stellar and NAAC Assistant
Adviser Mr Ponmudiraj after the presentation of their papers.This wa followed by further discussions deliberations and presentations
on the central theme of the conference i.e Consumerism. Eminent Resource persons such as Prof Felix Wilfred ,Head Department
of Christian Studies , University of Madras and Prof Raj Aiyyar, St Joseph’s College of Business Administration, Bangalore
left the delegates spellbound by their erudition ,excellent delivery and the ease with which they were able to answer all
questions that were asked of them The Social , Economic and Environmental Consequences of Consumerism as well as it’s ethical implications and our response to it were discussed elaborately.
On the last day of the Triennial the Final Statement of the Conference
was formulated . This was followed by the Presentation of the General Secretary’s
Report as well as the Reports of Andhra,
Eastern and North Eastern, Northern, Karnataka, Kerala North, Kerala South, Western and Tamil Nadu regions respectively.The
Sr. Hedwige Award which is given to the best college that organizes and implements effective programmes to make the Spirit
of Christ alive in the campus was given to St Agnes College Mangalore, St Xavier’s Institute of Education Bombay and
Holy Cross College Nagercoil.
It was soon time to elect the new office bearers of the Xavier Board
and this was done by the delegates during the Business Session .Fr Joseph Xavier S.J, Principal of Loyola College Chennai
was elected as the President of the Xavier Board.Fr P.C. Mathew S.J and Sr Marietta Pudota SAP were thanked for their active
involvement , dedication and commitment manifested in all the programmes organized by Xavier Board..Fr P.C. Mathew S.J. Had
been guiding the Xavier Board for two consecutive terms and his untiring effort, creative initiatives and innovative strategies of resource generation for the multiple activities of the Board was greatly appreciated.Mention
must be made of the Major Research Project on Campus Culture of Catholic Colleges in India which was initiated by the Xavier
Board in 2001under the able directorship of Fr P.C. Mathew S.J.and with Sr. Lydia Fernandes A.C and Dr Arokiadoss as the chief
investigators.On recommendation of Fr P.C. MathewS.J the project has been financed
by the International Federation of Catholic Universities. This project is currently in progress. It is hoped that it will
be a means to improve the quality of functioning of our students and help develop leadership skills in them.. The cooperation
of all member colleges in this earnest endeavour was solicited . The results of the Survey would be circulated to all participating
colleges and made available to all catholic soon as it is completed
The conference was a very enriching and educative experience for all
the delegates.As catholic educators we reaffirmed our commitment to working together
in unity ,solidarity and cooperation in order to maintain a high standard of discipline and academic excellence in our campuses.We were strengthened in our resolve to gear our educational effort around Love and Service of the poor which are the two realities at the heart of Christianity.It was felt that greater
social sensitivity and exposure to the struggles of the poor would conscientize our students and motivate them to exercise
their critical sense in this prevailing atmosphere of consumer culture thereby helping them become beacons of hope for a transformed