About Me
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Curriculum Vitae
Photo Album
Phtographs of students and myself
Value Education Links
Teacher Education
Statistics and Measurement
Teaching of Mathematics
Teaching Of English
Guidance and Counselling
Extra reading
Non Formal Education

Click this link to take you to my membership of the innovative teachers worldwide network

Member of the leading teachers global network
Prof Charlotte simpson is a certified user of information and communication technology in teaching

Professor Charlotte Simpson
This is a photograph of myself in a green salwar kameez and my friend from USA

Click this link for Rights of the child(Seminar on education as a fundamental right) IGNOU Workshop II May 21st -June 1st 2005)

attention Ignou workshop II students..Click this link for information on unesco and rights of the child

education for all ..sarva shiksha abhiyan

Click this link to take you to the leading innovative teachers network

lecture notes on classroom management

Rural Universities please read in ascending order of pages i.e pages 161-164



Methods of teaching english

Theories and processes of memory

social cognitive learning theory of Bandura

Weimer's Atribution theory

Mc.Lelland's and Atkinson's Achievement Motivation

Prof charlotte simpson is a certified teacher of value based education curriculum of Asha Foundation and New LIfe World Aid INC

click this link to take you to lecture notes and presentations on HIV and AIDS Education



Click this link to take you to the student cultural exchange global network

Photograph of my family and some friends

Charlottesimpson2's Radio Station

Email address

Simulated Lessons

introducing skill

Questioning skill

Explaining skill





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SEARCH:Tripod The Web

Prof Charlotte simpson
At a friend's house


Prof Charlotte Simpson
At a College picnic in Budgebudge

Welcome! Thanks for visiting my website.I am Charlotte Simpson.I  lecture at the Department of Education ,St Xavier's College Kolkata.I am also visiting lecturer at the Dept of Education ,Jadavpur University, School of Language Management ,National Council Of Education Bengal as well as the School of Social Work and Community Service ,National Council Of Bengal.I conduct classes at the Summer School at the Association for the Cultivation of Science.I thoroughly enjoy my work..infact every moment of it.I consider teaching as a very big privilege and always remind myself of the fact that with every honour comes a responsibility and a duty to perform conscientiously, diligently and sincerely.In my position as a teacher I feel that i and many others like me are responsible for the creation of a generation of socially conscious , committed  students  who are imbued with the zeal for social reconstruction.I belong to a small very closely knit family and I  feel truly blessed to have very loving parents and a wonderful sister.My parents have been a great inspiration for both my sister and myself.We were particularly close to our uncles and aunts who were like second parents to us. During our growing up years we would be aware of the many sacrifices our parents made for us and the wonderful lessons of love that we would get daily from their positive rolemodelling .Through them we received our first lessons of what it meant to give without counting the cost however difficult it may have been at times.Through their interaction with us we were given a glimpse of the true essence of unconditional love.We learnt from our family to be grateful and thankful for the many blessings that we were bestowed with. Our mother encouraged us to rejoice in what we had rather than be sad about what we did not have .It was she who helped us orient our entire worldview around what was positive and beautiful rather than focus on the not so happy side of life.I remember once while i was in school having to write an essay on the person who i admired most ........Yes of course i wrote pages and pages about my mother . The words simply flowed and flowed till i had to finally stop when the bell rang.....and i was left feeling that i could have written so much more about the wonderful person that she was .

I have a whole lot of hobbies with which i spend quite a bit of time. I love reading.I read books ranging from novels, thrillers,fiction etc. My favourites are books on Personality Development, Self Awareness etc.I love singing and listening to music .I write poems, articles, short stories etc.Of course i love working on the computer , learning about new application packages, navigating and exploring new areas of knowledge on the net.I thoroughly enjoy cyber surfing especially looking for new books, literature on the topics of my interest. I find cyber surfing a very important supplement to my classroom lectures. We live in a globalized world where we continue to experience a knowledge explosion and an information revolution. I consider our generation as  rather privileged because we have access to so much of useful educational technology that can make the teaching learning in our class room meaningful and enjoyable for our students.I believe firmly in the saying that "when we stop learning  we stop living" .Education  truly is a continuous , never ending process .

The subjects that I lecture on are as diverse as my interests. I deliver lectures in the area of Philosophy of Education, Psychology of Education, Educational Technology,Educational Management, Finance and Planning of Education,Mental Measurement , Educational and Psychological Statistics and Evaluation, Guidance and Counselling,Social Education and Non formal Education.I also give lectures on the method of teaching mathematics, Distance Education at the Indira Gandhi National open University which has its centre at St Xavier's College and where i hold the position of Academic Counsellor.I enjoy the exposure that i get to preservice teachers , inservice and deputed teachers. I continue to learn and gain from my teaching experience. It helps me to tap areas of knowlegde through active participation in the teaching- learning process.My students  are God's gift to me and i am committed to making their experience a truly educative one where they will develop new knowlege, form the right attitudes and be equipped with the appropriate skills. " Education is the missing link".I firmly uphold the view that Value Based Education is the KEY to the future.


I feel that the website  will be particularly useful for me to share some educational thoughts and ideas as well as much of what i have learnt and read about from a variety of sources. I will also list some very important educational books, research material and books on various topics of interest ranging from hobbies, leisure time activities to academic disciplines from time to time. My students will find it very useful especially when they are looking for further references and material on a host of different topics. I believe that there is no end to knowledge. We need to be motivated enough to want to continuously grow and learn. As educators it is our primary duty to keep pace with all the relevant developments in our fields as well as in inter related disciplines. I firmly uphold the view that interdisciplinary perspectives are very enriching .
As you glance through the webpages it will give you some understanding of my educational perspective as well as about some of my thoughts and ideas on a variety of educational issues.This particular site is dedicated to all my students who i have taught and continue to teach at various stages and ages of their lives. I hope and sincerely pray that you find these webpages useful as you progress along the ladder of learning.I wish the very best for you and may you develop your talents and skills and become true educators who are responsible for the creation of the generations to come through the dint of your hardwork , honesty and commitment.May God Bless you
Thank you for visiting. You can connect with me  at

Prof Charlotte Simpson
At a gathering in a friend's house

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

Prof Charlotte simpson
Smile please!!!